Publish date: 15 June 2022

Urgent alert

Please note, the deadline for applications has now passed. Entries after 4pm on 14/06/22 will not be counted.

Wimbledon has been in touch to offer free tickets for Court 2 on Sunday, 3 July 2022 for frontline staff who are COVID heroes. Each region has been allocated 55 pairs of tickets (18 pairs for Cheshire and Merseyside), so a ticket for each COVID hero plus one (whoever you want to take with you).

We’re all COVID heroes in Mersey Care so we’re going to do a random selection of 18 people who respond to this email (using the same subject header) by 4pm tomorrow. Our 18 nominations will be informed that they’ve been put forward, then collated in a Cheshire and Merseyside return and sent to the regional team for selection.

Please make sure you provide the following information:




Phone number:

Sent on behalf of NHS England and Improvement who are unable to meet travel or accommodation costs for those attending.