Publish date: 9 June 2022

In accordance with the Trust’s Standards of Business Conduct Policy, all NHS staff are asked to make an online ‘declaration of interest’ for any actual or potential conflicts of interest, including gifts received or any interest that they have through their associations outside of work, be it financial, professional, personal or indirect interests. All staff must declare any material interests at the earliest opportunity and in any event within 28 days.

Staff are reminded that they should not accept gifts that may affect, or be seen to affect, their professional judgement. (Further guidance on accepting gifts is included from page 14 of the Policy).

Click here to access the ‘Declare’ system and sign in.  Your Mersey Care email address is your username. There is a ‘forgot password’ button to reset your password if you can’t remember it, or if you have never logged on to the system previously.

Please review and update any previous declarations you have made on the system.

Should you need assistance or guidance please email: