Publish date: 20 September 2022

Mersey Care colleagues are invited to join our children and young people, parents and carers and partner colleagues from ICS, primary care, education, local authority and voluntary sector for an event to discuss how we can transform local mental health services and increase the age for Children and Young Peoples Mental Health Services (CYPMHS) up to 25 years.

Please join us on 4 October 2022, 9.30am to 1pm at the Learning Training and Conference Centre, South Road, Liverpool L24 9PZ (in the Theatre).

Lunch will be provided so please let us have any dietary requirements. If you would like to attend, please email to confirm your place.

This invitation is for all Mersey Care colleagues who may have a personal or professional interest in our Children and Young People’s Mental Health Service Programme of Change.

Criminal Justice Teams / Forensic youth justice services.

Services in schools.

Four CAMHS teams in Halton, Warrington St Helens and Knowsley

  • CAMHS Warrington in partnerships with St Josephs
  • CAMHS St Helens in partnerships with Barnardos
  • CAMHS Warrington in partnership with Kooth

Children’s eating disorders services Halton, Warrington St Helens and Knowsley. (Adults St Helens and Knowsley transition).

Children’s Mental Health Support Team in Schools, Halton, Warrington, St Helens and Knowsley.

Crisis response Halton, Warrington St Helens and Knowsley.

Crisis call lines.

Parent Infant Mental Health Services in Halton, Knowsley and Sefton.

Specialist Perinatal mental health.


Children and young people’s IAPT.

0-19 services.

Adult community and mental health services.

Community Mental Health Teams.

Assessment and Immediate Care Teams.

Forensic Child and Adult Mental Health Services (FCAMHS).

Please see the attached flyer for further details.