Publish date: 6 May 2022

The reporting of incidents allows us to learn and improve processes and procedures within the Trust, however, we need to ensure that all incidents are managed appropriately which includes reviewing and approving them.

As an incident reviewer/handler you are responsible for reviewing and approving, or rejecting, if necessary, all incidents in your area/service to ensure that they have been reported in a timely manner, they are factual and have an appropriate investigation carried out if necessary.

The Trust has a policy in place for incident management that stipulates, amongst other useful information, that all incidents must be reported within 24 hours of them occurring and they must be reviewed and approved within 7 working days.

By approving the incident it doesn’t close it, we never close incidents, and you can still add updates and documents to it.

Actions can be created for incidents and allocated to people if you need to depending on what the incident is about.

Reminders of unapproved and overdue incidents are issued on a weekly basis to all divisions by the Incident and Risk Management Team (, formerly the Datix Admin team, and these need to be cascaded throughout the divisions for action.

Should there be any queries, access issues, training requirements, etc; please contact the team via e-mail and we will be happy to help.