Publish date: 19 November 2021

Healthwatch Sefton have published a report which shares an update on access to NHS dental care both locally here in Sefton and the nationwide issues. 

They have engaged and listened to the Sefton community about the issues they have been experiencing when needing to access dental care from the NHS. 

The issues

Access to NHS dental care continues to be a problem for Sefton residents and across England and they have been sharing their local findings with their national body, Healthwatch England. You will see in their report, both the national and local work undertaken to raise the issue of access and wider impact implications and in the last couple of weeks.

Locally, they continue to gather your feedback to work with local NHS England officers who are working to find solutions to the challenges they are facing. 

They want to hear from YOU

Healthwatch Sefton would like you to help them further by sharing your stories and experiences about accessing NHS dental care.

You can get in touch with them by calling their Freephone number 0800 206 1304 or by email 

They also have an online feedback centre that you can leave your feedback directly with us (this can be anonymously).