Publish date: 11 January 2022

National guidance outlining the new requirement that mandates the COVID-19 vaccine as a condition of employment for all healthcare workers was issued by NHS England and NHS Improvement on 6 December 2021. This has now been approved through the parliamentary process and will become law on 1 April 2022. Further guidance regarding the implementation of the mandate is expected later this week following consultation with stakeholders, employer reference groups and the national Social Partnership Forum.

We do not wish to lose any member of staff because of this so we implore you to have the vaccine to provide you, your families and our patients with the highest level of protection from COVID. Regrettably, if colleagues fail to be vaccinated, under the new national mandatory scheme, it is likely this will result in employment being affected. (It could result in you being dismissed from your post).

Our priority is to encourage the uptake of vaccinations amongst all staff groups. We have suggested supportive conversations with staff and have provided access to additional advice where staff have specific concerns or questions. For anyone who is needle phobic, psychological support can be arranged. A set of frequently asked questions will be issued following receipt of the national guidance which will include links to specialist advice.

We are working hard to ensure we have all vaccination details accurately recorded. We will make direct contact, by letter to your home address, to all those who according to our records have not had both doses of the vaccine. If you have already received the vaccine and our records are incorrect, you will need to provide evidence through your NHS COVID pass. Further information as to how to do this will be included in the letter.  

We know there will be some who are medically exempt from having the vaccination and if that is the case, you will be required to evidence this via your NHS COVID pass in electronic or letter format. Further information on how to request a medical exemption and how to evidence this to your employer will also be included in the letter. For those who are exempt, we will work with you to complete our risk assessment process to review any supportive measures that are needed for you to carry out your role safely.

Once we have reviewed the guidance with staff side and other colleagues both at a national, regional and Trust level, we will develop policies and processes to provide clarity and supportive measures, including for those who remain unvaccinated (unless exempt) following 1 April 2022. 

I urge all those who remain unvaccinated to review the evidence and supporting information or seek additional support and advice, where necessary, to enable you to make an informed choice.

If you need any additional support during this time please remember that staff support is available via 0151 330 8103 (Switch House) or 01925 664 010 (Hollins Park House) or through the Cheshire and Merseyside Resilience Hub via: