A new employee health management system called Absence Manager (Empactis) was introduced in September 2023 to support staff and managers to report sickness absence. Other forms of absence such as carers and compassionate leave are to be reported by calling your manager directly.
To report all sickness absence, call 0330 818 6439.
You will need your assignment number (found on your payslip).
Please check that your hierarchy is up to date in ESR.
Once you've made the call, your manager will be informed from the information provided on that call. It’s an automatic service. Your manager can call you back to discuss further details at a more convenient time. When you are due to return from your absence, please call the number above to advise of your return to work.
The implementation was led from the Board as a major project, with the modules going live after extensive testing with trial groups.
If you have any queries regarding the roll out of the absence manager system please contact absence
You will see a desktop icon on your screen of the Absence Manager logo, this will take you directly to the Absence Manager log in page in your browser. You will need to use Edge or Chrome web browsers to access the site (not Internet Explorer). You can also access it on this link and we’d recommend bookmarking the link in your own system.
If you are experiencing difficulties logging into Absence Manager, please follow the below steps:
- You are accessing Empactis through Microsoft Edge or Chrome and not Explorer (Explorer is often set as a default browser).
- You have checked your details are correct in ESR.
- You have typed your correct Mersey Care email address into the forgotten password link – (Only Mersey Care passwords will work).
- You have clicked on the ‘forgotten password’ link and checked your emails (including a junk email box) for the email from Absence Manager
- You have set a password that passes the required security standards.
If you are still experiencing difficulties having followed the above steps, please send an email to Empactis
Employees | Managers |
What type of absence do I need to report via Absence Manager? Absence Manager is to be used if you are recording these absence types:
How do I record my sickness absence?You can record your sickness absence by either:
How do I amend or close my sickness absence? You can amend or close your sickness absence by calling the line or logging into the portal. You should ensure your expected return date is kept up to date and remember to close your absence when you return to work. |
How will I know if someone I manage reports a sickness absence? You will receive an email notification whenever an employee reports or updates an absence.
What should I do when I receive my notification?
How do I complete the Return-to-Work Discussion? Once the employee has closed their absence upon their return, you will receive an email notification prompting you to carry out the return-to-work interview with 48 hours within the Absence Manager system. |
FAQs and user guides
Q: What is Absence Manager?
A: Absence Manager is the agreed system for recording and supporting the management of sickness leave. The system is already in use at several other trusts within the North West and is now in the process of being rolled out across Mersey Care.
Q: What does Absence Manager do?
A: Absence Manager:
- Gives you a single telephone number (0330 818 6439) or an online portal to report absence
- Captures the absence information you provide and automatically notifies your line manager
- Guides line managers and employees through the absence process in order to support you to return to work
Q: What type of absence do I need to call the number for, is it just sickness?
A: You need to call the number for sickness. Absence Manager is to be used only if you are recording these absence types:
- sickness
- planned surgery
You do not need to use Absence Manager if you are recording any of the following absence types:
- carer's leave
- dependent’s leave
- bereavement leave
- compassionate leave
For these cases, you must contact your manager directly who must then log those absence types in Roster.
Q: What is the cost of the call if I report my sickness using the phone line?
A: The Absence Manager number is a local rate number and can be used as part of inclusive minutes from mobile phone providers.
Q. Why do we need Absence Manager?
A: Sometimes it is difficult to reach your line manager when you are unexpectedly absent. Having Absence Manager means that your absence can be reported at any time of day or night as soon as you realise that you are not able to attend work. The system also helps to ensure that a consistent process is used for all employees and all unplanned absence.
Q. What do I need to do if I am absent from work unexpectedly with sickness?
A. As soon as you realise you will not be able to attend work because of sickness you must call Absence Manager to report your absence. You can do this at any time of the day or night.
You can do this either by
- Calling 0330 818 6439 (this is a local rate number). You will need to know your assignment number which can be found on your payslip.
- Using the online portal. You will need to have registered your account using your Mersey Care email to access the portal.
To access the portal, go to https://login.empactisapp.com/ or scan the QR code below (Add link to device home screen to save for future use).
Q. What if the system phone line cannot understand me?
A: In the unlikely event that your voice will not be recognised, the system is designed to recognise the telephone keypad as well as voice prompts. You can press ‘1’ for ‘YES’ or ‘2’ for ‘NO’ on the telephone keypad. You can also input your assignment number and dates using the keypad.
Q. What happens after I call report my sickness absence?
A: Your line manager will be sent an email straight away to let them know about your absence. The system will prompt the manager to call you back to discuss the absence further and clarify the details if needed.
Q. When should I expect my manager to call me back?
A: Your manager should return your call within 24 hours.
Q. What do I do when I am able to return to work?
A: When you are able to return to work (even if this is on a non-working day), you will need to call the Absence Manager number and close the absence.
Q. What happens if I need to stay off work for longer than I originally thought?
A: You will need to ring the Absence Manager number or log in top the portal to update the intended return to work date.
Q. What should I do if the reason for my absence changes?
A. For example – Cold and flu changes to stress related sickness absence:
You should close your existing absence (e.g. cold and flu) by calling the Absence Manager phone line or through the portal and open a new absence with the new reason (e.g. sickness).
Q. What do I do if I need my manager to call me during my absence?
A: You can request a call back at any time from your manager by calling the Absence Manager phone number or logging in to the portal and following the prompts given. Your manager should call you back within 24 hours on the number you have provided. If you need your manager to call you on a different number, please specify this when asked by the system.
Q: Why is this system better than the current process for reporting absence?
A: You can report a new absence:
- 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year
- The Absence Manager number is always answered promptly
- There is no need to ‘find’ your manager as they receive an automated notification email as soon as you have reported the absence through the Absence Manager phone-line
Q: What happens if my manager is on leave when I report the absence?
A: Your manager will have set up delegate cover on the system so that when you report your absence, the notification will automatically be sent to whoever they have identified as their deputy.
Before each department goes live with the Absence Manager system, each manager will have been asked to give a department phone number (e.g. a ward phone) that will also receive an automatic notification of your absence (please note that no details of the absence are shared in this notification, only that an absence has been reported and the person’s name).
Q: What if there is an extreme event that happens to the me, e.g. I am incapacitated/hospitalised, which means that I am unable to contact Absence Manager?
A: We would ask that you make every effort to call Absence Manager, but we recognise that this may not always be possible. In these exceptional cases, a relative or friend should still call Absence Manager, giving the following information:
- Your full name
- Your work location
- The name of your line manager (if possible)
This will create a pending call which will allow your absence to be created in the system your line manager will then be notified by the system.
If at all possible your relative or friend should avoid calling your line manager directly.
Q. When will I need to start using the Absence Manager number to report sickness absence?
A: Absence Manager launches on 25 September 2023. All unplanned absences must be reported by calling: 0330 818 6439. From this date you will need to use your assignment number. This can be found on your payslip.
Q: Do I need any training on Absence Manager?
A. No – you just need to use the Absence Manager phone number to report, extend, or close your absence. There are recorded prompts when you call the phone-line that guides you through what you need to do. You can also access a guide for using the portal here.
You may want to record the Absence Manager number in your mobile phone contacts, and keep a note of your assignment number as you will need this when you call the phone line.
Q: What is Absence Manager?
A: Absence Manager is the agreed system for recording and supporting the management of all unplanned absences (excluding annual and study leave). The system is already in use at several other trusts within the North West and is now in the process of being rolled out across Mersey Care.
Q: What does Absence Manager do?
A: Absence Manager:
- Gives you a single telephone number (0330 818 6439) or an online portalto report absence
- Captures the absence information you provide and automatically notifies your line manager
- Guides line managers and employees through the absence process in order to support you to return to work
Q: What type of absence do I need to call the number for, is it just sickness?
A: You need to call the number for sickness. Absence Manager is to be used only if you are recording these absence types:
- sickness
- planned surgery
You do not need to use Absence Manager if you are recording any of the following absence types:
- carer's leave
- dependent’s leave
- bereavement leave
- compassionate leave
For these cases, staff must contact their manager directly who must then log those absence types in Roster.
Q: Where do I find the link to the Absence Manager system?
A: You can access Absence Manager using this link: https://absence.empactisapp.com/app/It will also be available as an icon on your desktop of your PC or laptop and in the IT Systems pages of the intranet.
Q. How will the system notify me when a member of my staff is absent?
A: You will receive an email notification whenever an employee you are responsible for reports or updates an absence using the Absence Manager ‘phone number. There is also an option for you to set up a text message notification.
Q: What do I do if someone contacts me directly about their absence rather than calling the Absence Manager phone line?
A: You need to ask the employee to report their absence using the Absence Manager phone line or portal and advise them that you will call them back via Absence Manager to ensure the appropriate information regarding their absence is captured. Reports of absence should only be accepted through the Absence Manager phone-line once your department has gone live on Absence Manager.
Q: What if there is an extreme event that happens to the employee, e.g. they are incapacitated/hospitalised, which means that they cannot contact Absence Manager?
A: In these cases, the employee’s relative or friend should contact their line manager. The line manager can contact the Absence Manager team on absence
Q: Can the employee call retrospectively to the system to log an absence?A: The employee should call as soon as they know that they need to report an absence, however if they cannot call the number they will be able to report the absence seven days either way of their first day off date.
Q: What if the employee is having planned surgery?
A: The employee still needs to ring the system and can do so up to seven days before the planned surgery starts.
Q. A member of my staff is absent, but I did not receive a notification, why is this?
A: This may be either because they have not reported the absence using the Absence Manager number, or because they are not identified in the system as one of your members of staff. The Project Team will work with you before you ‘go live’ to ensure that the management structure for your team is correct in the system. However, if you do find people missing or in the wrong place at any point, please notify the ESR admin team. Any changes to your hierarchy should be directed to esradmin
Employee name | Employee number | New supervisor name | New supervisor employee number |
Q. Why can I see employees that no longer work in my team?
A: Again this may mean that you ESR Hierarchy is not correct. If an employee has left the Trust or transferred to another department, you will need to update the line manager information within the absence manager system under the employee’s tab on the top right-hand side. Within the list of employees, you can select ‘current’ and ‘non-current’ to show only those staff who are currently in post in your team.
Q: What happens if I get a message about a member of staff that I do not manage?
A: Please notify this to absence
Q: After I receive the notification about an employee’s absence, is there anything that I need to do?
A: Yes. Engagement with absent employees is essential to ensure that you fulfil your duty of care and that employees are supported to return to work as quickly as possible. The absence notification will prompt you to call the employee back to clarify the reason for absence, understand any support that might be needed, and establish their anticipated return date. At the end of the call, you will need to stay on the line and follow the instructions. You will also need to edit the absence online to confirm the absence type and reason. Details of how to do this are in the user guides that you will receive when your department goes live with Absence manager.
Q: What happens if I call an absent employee back, but they are not available?
A: It is important that the employee receives a call from a manager to discuss their absence as outlined in the question above. The system does capture attempted calls to the employee, although the task will show as fulfilled only once contact has been made with the member of staff so you will need to try to contact them again later that day.
Q: What happens if I accidently hang up the phone without confirming the successful callback?
A: Managers to specify the outcome of callback calls where they may have accidentally hung-up after being transferred to the employee but before confirming whether they spoke with the employee or left a message. On the Calls & Captures page for an absence any records in the Manager Calls list with a Status of Outcome Unconfirmed will be displayed with a Confirm Outcome icon. When the outcome has been confirmed any outstanding callback tasks will be updated as if the outcome had been provided during the callback call.
Q: Would we be notified if the employee doesn’t return to work on the expected return date?
A: Yes, the system would email the manager to advise that the individual hasn’t returned on their expected return date. If the individual amends their expected return date you will also receive a notification.
Q: What happens if there is on-call in my department, who would receive the notification?
A: A bespoke plan may be needed for areas with on call or complex arrangements. Where this is the case, the team leads are encouraged to make contact with the Absence Management team during the data gathering process to agree how Absence Manager can be configured to support management of absence in their area.
Q: Do I need to ‘close’ the absence when an employee returns to work?
A: No, it is the employee’s responsibility to call the Absence Manager phone line or online portal to close the absence on the day that they are fit to return to work (even if this is a non-working day e.g. day off/annual leave).
Q: Will the system manage the employee’s absence?
A: No—the system will record the absence and prompt managers and employees to follow the agreed absence process. As a manager it is your role to ensure that you support and manage employee absence effectively.
Q: How can managers end sickness absences within Absence Manager (Empactis)?
While it is the responsibility of staff to ensure that they end their sickness absences on the day they are fit to return, we have enabled functionality that allows managers to end the absence on the employee’s behalf if they need to. Managers can do this by adding a date to the ‘First Day Back’ field within the absence record.
Unlike ending absences via the Employee Portal or Absence Line where employees are restricted to returning on the current date or a date in the past, Managers will have the option of selecting a return date in the future.
- Once added, the ‘First Day Back’ date will replace the ‘Expected Return’ date and the absence length will be updated. The ‘First Day Back’ will be the first date that is not included in the absence.
- The ‘First Day Back ‘ date should only be added when the absence has ended. Once added, the absence status will change to ‘Returned’ and the staff member will no longer be able to make changes to the absence. Any new calls will be treated as recording a new absence.
- The Return-To-Work interview clock will begin as soon as a ‘First Day Back’ date is confirmed, regardless of the date that is selected.
Q. What happens if I am on annual leave or unavailable and therefore don’t receive the notification of absence?
A: You will need to set up delegate cover in the system so that if you are unavailable for any reason all the notifications will be sent to a deputised authority whilst keeping you copied into emails relating to the absence. Details of how to do this will be covered in the training and available in the user guides issued to your department when it is live on the Absence Manager system.
Q: Can you have more than one delegate for your manager account?
A: Yes, that’s fine to set up – you can have an unlimited number of delegates; however, delegates should be of equal grade or above and not somebody that you manage.
Q: Can I record return to work details on the system?
A: Yes— once the employee has returned to work, you will receive an email notification prompting you to carry out the return to work interview. There is an online RTW form for you to use during this interview and once the return to work is completed, the completed form is saved on the system and captured as a finished task which is available for the manager to review at any time.
Q: Do we hold any of the documentation in paper format as well as on the system (e.g. in the event that we were to change supplier?)
A: That is a local decision; however, you should print a copy of the Return to Work form to share with the employee and also include a copy in their personnel file.
Q. What training is available for Absence Manager?
A: An eLearning packing is available by using the following link
The Absence Manager Team will also arrange several virtual demonstration sessions which will be bookable on the L&D prospectus under section 8. We will also be issuing user guides and learning packs for managers.
Q:I’m receiving tasks for the same employee for both STS and LTS, but the employee has resumed.
A: If the employee triggered a STS stage which was not completed before going off on a period of long-term sick, the STS will still need to be completed (once the employee has resumed to work).This will remain as an open case on the system until it is completed.
Once the employee has resumed from LTS and the RTW form has been completed within Absence Manager, Case Manager will send you a task to confirm that the employee resumed. This will then close the LTS case, and you can pick up the actions in relation to STS. You may have two outstanding actions to complete in relation to LTS. You need to ensure you confirm that the employee has resumed (if this is the case).
Q: An employee has just triggered for LTS, but I don’t feel it is appropriate to hold the review meeting just yet due to the circumstances. Can the case be closed and then re-opened once I’m progressing with the stages?
A: All LTS cases must remain open in Case Manager. If you feel that you’d like to slow down the stage review process for any reason, please ensure you discuss this with your HR Advisor in the first instance. If agreeable, then you could file the email prompts you are receiving for that employee’s LTS and make a note within the system with the reason why this is being slowed down and include the name of the HR Advisor this has been discussed/agreed with to ensure an audit trail.
Q: The outcome letters that I am completing within the system don’t have any of the absence information contained within the outcome letter. Why is this?
A: The direct absences linked to that review stage MUST be associated (ticked on Absence Manager) before completing any task and progressing with the outcome notes and letters. If you have produced outcome notes/letters that have no associated absence information, then please contact your HR representative via the generic email address who can help you with this.
Q: If I add a note in the system confirming that I do not want to progress a sickness stage, will this be picked up by the HR Team/Empactis Case Manager system to be closed?
A: No. Firstly, you must speak to your HR Advisor about the possibility of not progressing any stage. If it is agreed that the stage will not be progressed, then HR can make arrangements to either close the case or remain on continued monitoring (on the current stage) depending on where the employee is in relation to staging as per Policy.
Q: Empactis has prompted me that a member of staff has triggered a STS stage, however, I carried out the review meeting before the system went live on 2 July 2024. I have dragged and dropped the original letter within the Case Manager system.Will HR/Empactis Case Manager pick this up and update the stages so that this is correct?
A: Dragging and dropping letters will not update the Case Manager system. You should still go through your outstanding tasks to complete the process and copy and paste the information from the original letter into the letters within the template document. If you need any help with this then please contact your HR representative via the generic email address.
Q: I’m receiving tasks for the same employee for both STS and LTS, but the employee has resumed.
A: If the employee triggered a STS stage which was not completed before going off on a period of long-term sick, the STS will still need to be completed (once the employee has resumed to work).This will remain as an open case on the system until it is completed.
Once the employee has resumed from LTS and the RTW form has been completed within Absence Manager, Case Manager will send you a task to confirm that the employee resumed. This will then close the LTS case, and you can pick up the actions in relation to STS. You may have two outstanding actions to complete in relation to LTS. You need to ensure you confirm that the employee has resumed (if this is the case).
Q: An employee has just triggered for LTS, but I don’t feel it is appropriate to hold the review meeting just yet due to the circumstances. Can the case be closed and then re-opened once I’m progressing with the stages?
A: All LTS cases must remain open in Case Manager. If you feel that you’d like to slow down the stage review process for any reason, please ensure you discuss this with your HR Advisor in the first instance. If agreeable, then you could file the email prompts you are receiving for that employee’s LTS and make a note within the system with the reason why this is being slowed down and include the name of the HR Advisor this has been discussed/agreed with to ensure an audit trail.
Q: The outcome letters that I am completing within the system don’t have any of the absence information contained within the outcome letter. Why is this?
A: The direct absences linked to that review stage MUST be associated (ticked on Absence Manager) before completing any task and progressing with the outcome notes and letters. If you have produced outcome notes/letters that have no associated absence information, then please contact your HR representative via the generic email address who can help you with this.
Q: If I add a note in the system confirming that I do not want to progress a sickness stage, will this be picked up by the HR Team/Empactis Case Manager system to be closed?
A: No. Firstly, you must speak to your HR Advisor about the possibility of not progressing any stage. If it is agreed that the stage will not be progressed, then HR can make arrangements to either close the case or remain on continued monitoring (on the current stage) depending on where the employee is in relation to staging as per Policy.
Q: Empactis has prompted me that a member of staff has triggered a STS stage, however, I carried out the review meeting before the system went live on 02/07/24. I have dragged and dropped the original letter within the Case Manager system. Will HR/Empactis Case Manager pick this up and update the stages so that this is correct?
A: Dragging and dropping letters will not update the Case Manager system. You should still go through your outstanding tasks to complete the process and copy and paste the information from the original letter into the letters within the template document. If you need any help with this then please contact your HR representative via the generic email address.
Q: How can I report any issues?
A:If you require any immediate support you can contact the absence manager team on absence
- How to access the portal
- Absence manager - Employee guide
- Absence manager - Managers guide
- Absence manager - First time logging in
- ESR Hierarchy guide
- eLearning
- Absence manager virtual demo sessions bookable via L&D prospectus under section 8
As well as the Absence Reporting line, staff can now record their absence using the Employee Portal. This is a new way to get in touch. You will need to have registered your account to access the portal and you can then use any device to report sickness online.
Outstanding and overdue tasks (return to work and callbacks)
Checking outstanding callbacks
Updated type and reason
Adding expected return date
Adding notes