Publish date: 1 February 2022

On behalf of the Board of Directors, I would like to thank all of our colleagues who have worked tirelessly and supported the Trust throughout the ongoing pandemic. We would also like to thank those colleagues who have taken up the offer of a COVID-19 vaccination along with the huge efforts of those who have supported them to do so.

Implementing this Government policy has been a challenging time for all staff. I want to thank our colleagues for their leadership, integrity, kindness, support, and honesty. Aligning our principles of restorative just culture with civility and respect has been vital in how we addressed this mandate together. We acknowledge how difficult this has been and we are very grateful to you all.

As you know, Government recently passed legislation requiring vaccination as a condition of deployment (VCOD) which was due to come in to effect from 1 April 2022. However yesterday, the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care announced that this mandate is now being reconsidered. The full statement is available here. The Government’s decision to end vaccination as a condition of deployment is now subject to Parliamentary process. It will require further consultation and a vote to be passed to revoke the legislation and regulations.

The Health Secretary has also asked for several steps to be taken, these include:

  • Officials to consult on updating the Code of Practice which applies to all CQC registered providers of all health and social care in England
  • A review of NHS policies on the hiring of new staff and the deployment of existing staff, taking into account their vaccination status
  • Consult on strengthening requirements in relation to COVID-19 including the latest advice on infection prevention and control.

Simply speaking, VCOD has been paused subject to Government consultation. Following the consultation period, new guidance will be issued and we will provide colleagues with a further update.

I am aware that some staff, who we believed to be unvaccinated, or did not hold vaccination records for, will have received individual letters. When the outcome of the Government consultation has concluded, we will write to affected staff again and advise as to the next steps. If you have any queries or questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch via:

Today, as colleagues will be aware, was the deadline for supportive conversations to have taken place. However, following this announcement I fully recognise colleagues may need support - now more than ever before. If anyone wants to seek support or revisit conversations with line managers, please do so. Don’t worry in silence or feel that you are alone.

Vaccination is the best way to protect yourself, your family, your colleagues and of course your patients from the virus. NHS England and NHS Improvement have always been clear that staff have a professional duty to do so. We continue to encourage staff vaccination and appointments are available at the vaccination centre at Maghull Health Park. Book yours by clicking this link or by accessing the NHS website for your nearest vaccination site.

If you need any additional support, please remember that staff support is available via 0151 330 8103 (Switch House) or 01925 664 010 (Hollins Park House) or through the Cheshire and Merseyside Resilience Hub via: