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  • Attend anywhere is a secure NHS video calling service that allows consultations between clinicians and patients.  Patients will require either a Google Chrome or Safari web browser.  The system works…

  • Do you want to 'know your numbers'? Health checks empower you to understand your current level of general health and fitness. They can help you to discover any potential associated health…

  • EPMA Clinical Informatics & Business Intelligence Reports

  • The Trust made a decision to standardise uniforms across all clinical areas during 2022. The main reason for this is that colleagues within the same profession are wearing different uniforms depending…

  • Do you want personalised wellbeing advice? Mini health checks at V7 today Our team of Health and Wellbeing Facilitators are also available to be booked out to visit your team and complete health…

  • ​​​​​COVID outbreak area risk assessment Daisy grip tourniquet SOP Guidance for patients attending Planned Elective Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT)  Infection prevention and control…

  • What are Local Safeguarding Boards? Local Safeguarding Children  Boards (LSCB) Local Safeguarding Children boards (LSCB) are an independent statutory body responsible for ensuring that…

  • This new group session developed by Occupational Health and Wellbeing Services is designed to help you get a good night's sleep. We all have times when we find it hard to fall…

  • Routine Outcome Measures (ROMs) are standardised assessment tools which can be completed by a patient, family member / carer or practitioners and can give an overall rating or score across one or more…

  • At the heart of the Trust, business administration and data management play a crucial role in ensuring the smooth operation of services. As the healthcare landscape evolves, there is a growing…

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