The trust has published a statement committing us to provide an inclusive and supportive environment for everyone who works here. The statement coincides with the new Menopause Policy.  We will work proactively to make adjustments to support staff experiencing the menopause, ensuing the workplace does not adversely affect their symptoms.

 We want to create an atmosphere where people can talk comfortably and respectfully about menopause. We also want to educate all staff about the subject and how they can support each other and enable reasonable adjustments. 

Now, to further promote this work, we want to hear from women along with husbands, friends, partners and work colleagues who are willing to share their own experiences and how things have been managed to help (or perhaps not). If you have a story to share, workforce wellbeing manager Ben Towell would like to hear from you.

We respect confidentiality and dignity, but please consider joining us. Initially, we’d like you to film a short selfie video with some clear and direct statements from you, your experiences and your feelings.  If you want to get involved, contact Ben and the wellbeing team- and we’ll tell you how to join in.


Ben Towell, Workforce Wellbeing Manager